Monday, January 31, 2011

Somewhere between week 3-4

Ok so I really don't know where I left off...but let me see if I can bring every1 up to speed on where we are at...Last week was kinda a blur to me...we did a lot more math and stuff dealing with mathematical formulas, wavelengths, frequencies, antenna's, wave propagation an a bunch of other stuff that I am still not sure bout. Then we had our second exam on Thursday...I thought I was good cause the night before we had our study group and I went over a bunch of problems that I was having problems with...well test time comes around and I feel pretty good...well bout 1 hr into the test I only have 14 problems done of I am sweating cause I am not sure if I am even gonna finish this...then I forget everything that was taught over the last few days...and the end result was I had missed 17 questions...I am only allowed to miss 15...O SHIT...not good....after class I am told to be in the classroom at 0500 to retake the test and if I fail it then I am done in this course and I will have to get a new job...well I did a brief review with one of my classmates and an instructor and went back to the barracks with my mind spinning not knowing what I am going to do if I fail...well 0400 rolls around really quick when you dont sleep....I get to class and have to wait 30 mins for the instructor to show up to give me the new exam....once inside I start to take this test and its the same exact test as the one the day before except the questions have been rearranged....(Wait this is an Army Test) no1 ever fails...LOL so I go on to knock it out and in the end only get 4 wrong...why couldn't I do this the day before still bothers me but nonetheless I passed the second test and now we are into week 4 which is all lecture till we go hard and heavy with more formulas and the hardest exam this course has...Till then I will try to do better in keeping every1 up to speed on my long journey back...Thanks

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